Live Captioning in Hangout Meet

Whoa! Google dropped a wonderful accessibility option for Hangout Meet to enable deaf people and those without hearing loss to be able to communicate more effectively through video conferencing - Live Captioning. Through the use of their speech recognition software that, frankly, is best-in-class, Google has managed to provide real time captioning to meetings.

Having used this a few times since it’s launch during my daily standups with clients, it’s far not perfect (find me an automated captioning software that is), but it’s the best I’ve seen that can usually convey accurately conversations that are going on. Google’s speech recognition services are also getting better month-over-month, and so it stands to reason that this will only continue to improve. I can easily see a future two-to-three years from now where Google’s captioning system has a 95%+ accuracy rating.

Check out the service, and Google’s blog post about it, and give them feedback. Like all things, it can only get better if you share with them feedback for improvement.